1. Give each jury member a score 1-10 (1-Horrible 10-Great) on these skills. Strategy, Social, Physical, and Mental capability.
Jonny - Strategy-7, Social-8, Physical- 9, mental capability-8
Stephen-strategy-8 Social-7, Physical-7, mental capacity-8
Julie-strategy-8, social-9, physical-7, mental capacity-8
Courtney-strategy-7,social-7,physical-7, mental capacity-7
Brett-strategy-7, social-7, physical-7, mental capacity-7
Burton-strategy-7,social-8,physical-7, mental capacity-8
Parvati-strategy-7, social-8, physical-7, mental capacity-7
2. Who was the front runner to win this game?
3. Give each jury member a color and explain why that color fits them.
Jonny- yellow....happy to get thru .
Stephen- blue....he didn't get a round or 2 further
Julie- pink....Julie just seems like pink
Courtney- grey...disappointed in results
Brett- brown.....basic color, & Brett doesn't seem to be bothered by much ,solid player.
Burton-green, no orange, no white, all of these he's still trying to figure out what happened to him and why
Parvati-red.....angry at outcome.
4. If u were to cast the 18 voted out contestants in Heroes vs Villains who would be on which tribe?
(16 voted out)
Heroes.Natalie, Julie,Parvati,Jonny,Burton,Brett,Jake,Stephen
Villians-JT, Eliza,Gillian,Jason,Jerri,Courtney,Kelly,Ozzy
5. Compare each person to a big brother player and explain why.
6. Who were the two biggest jury threats in the game?
Courtney, and Julie
7. Who on the jury should be considered for All Stars and why?
Jonny-determination and playing a solid game
Julie-personal interaction, and solid game play
Courtney- influence, and capturing loyalty
8. Pick a song on youtube u think best fits me and post the link on here.
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